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Innovation Proposal

Dear K-1 Teachers and Administrators of Hay Branch Elementary,
Over the past few years, we have endured a substantial amount of students leaving kindergarten and entering the first grade reading considerably below grade level. Although some are a little closer to the target, they nonetheless fall short of the end of the year kindergarten expectation. Students not on grade level risk falling even farther behind during 1st grade. Our students must gain the essential foundational literacy skills in kindergarten to help them be effective readers in 1st grade. It is crucial in 1st grade that students begin on level because, in 1st grade, they will continue to build on the necessary skills to learn to read. 
Our students have struggled far too long, and it is time for a change. I believe I have the solution to our problem. An important aspect of learning is understanding the learning goal. The overall literacy learning goal in kindergarten is to be reading proficiently on a Fountas and Pinnell level D by the end of the school year. To help students achieve this learning objective, they must take ownership of their learning. Students can assume ownership of their learning by knowing and understanding the learning goal.
Many of our students enter school with experience using various kinds of technology. My goal is to help our students grow to their maximum capacity by integrating technology opportunities into learning activities. Therefore, I am proposing to implement the use of student ePortfolios in my classroom so students can document their journey to learning to read. An eportfolio is a personalized tracking system of learning with authentic evidence ( Saarinen et al., 2016). Research showed evidence that ePortfolios could facilitate students' reflective practice, promote student reflection, engagement, critical thinking, digital literacy, and integration of curricular experiences (Campbell & Tran. 2021). I would like to implement eportfolios by doing the following:

  • Students will use the Seesaw application on iPads or computers to track their progress throughout the school year. 

  •  Students will track literacy skills such as letters/letter-sound recognition, sight words, rhyming words, blending words, and reading passages.

  • Students will document their progress 2 to 3 times per quarter.

  • Students will document progress by writing and recording audio. 

The benefit of my students maintaining an eportfolio is that they will become more knowledgeable about where they are while learning to read.  The students can consult with me and give their ideas regarding establishing learning goals. Students will be able to reflect on learning progress. Parents can log in to their student's account and monitor their progress. 
I am excited to empower my students by allowing them to take ownership of their learning. I'm also looking forward to the growth and development that my students will gain. I am asking the administration to provide support by allowing me to use the computer lab or iPads 2-3 times a week. I am requesting the installation of the Seesaw application on devices. Based on the outcomes, I would like for the administration to consider implementing eportfolios across the kindergarten grade level in the future. 

LaTammie Rawls


Campbell, C., & Tran, T. L. N. (2021). Using an implementation trial of an ePortfolio system to 
promote student learning through self-reflection: leveraging the success. Education Sciences, 11.

Saarinen, Auli, Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, and Kai Hakkarainen. 2016. “The Functions and Benefits of the EPortfolio in Craft Education at the Primary Level.” Design and
Technology Education 21 (3): 29–40.

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