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Innovation Plan Update

Throughout my journey in the Applied Digital Learning program, I have been working on an innovation project to implement ePortfolios in the kindergarten classroom. My goal is to provide opportunities for young learners to create, share, and reflect on their learning experiences while developing foundational literacy skills. 

I will share my experiences, insights, and lessons learned throughout establishing my innovation project.

I have completed several smaller projects that will help with the successful implementation of my innovation plan. They are Growth Mindset Plan, Implementation Outline, Literature ReviewUbD , The 'Why", Professional Learning, and Kindergarten literacy course. These are just a few key components I designed to support my innovation plan. 

Proposal Plan

Alternative Professional Learning


Organizational Change


Student Learning

The Innovation Project progress: Where are you?

My innovation plan is almost complete and ready for implementation. I have to make some revisions to the implementation outline dates. Unfortunately, I was unable to start my plan this school year like I initially planned, so I will adjust the dates to begin in the 2023-2024 school year. I recently completed the final parts of my innovation plan, which consisted of creating professional learning for staff and creating the course for the students. 


Reflections on the Learning Process

Working on this project has taught me the importance of adopting a growth mindset. Embracing challenges, persisting in the face of setbacks, and viewing effort as a path to mastery were crucial aspects of my learning process throughout this project. I learned to overcome complex challenges by maintaining a growth mindset and adapted my strategies accordingly.


This project has also emphasized the importance of collaboration and communication. Sharing my findings and insights with others allowed me to receive valuable feedforward and perspectives that further enhanced my understanding of the topic. Engaging in meaningful discussions with peers was essential to my learning process.


The learning process I have undergone while working on this innovative project has been an invaluable experience. I have developed a deeper understanding of ePortfolios, their potential impact on student learning outcomes, and the challenges and best practices for their implementation. Moving forward, I am eager to apply the knowledge and skills gained from this project to future endeavors in the field of education.


What could be better and what worked

I have yet to begin the implementation of my innovation plan. My goal is to implement it in the upcoming school year. However, I did test one lesson with my kindergarteners. They loved the freedom to choose that was offered during their learning. They were also able to decide how they would present their learning. That short lesson taught me that the students might need more time than I originally planned. 


Lessons Learned

One lesson I have learned from the short lesson I tested with my student is that the students might need more time than I originally planned. About half of them finished in the allotted time. I will consider making adjustments to the lessons so that students can finish in a timely manner.


Promoting and Communicating the Innovation Project:

To effectively promote and communicate the benefits of ePortfolios, I plan to show my innovation plan video and provide my ePortfolio website to my target audience. This will allow me to inspire others to consider incorporating ePortfolios into their classrooms.


Applying Lessons Learned to Future Innovation Projects:

The knowledge and experience gained throughout building my innovation project have provided valuable insights that can be applied in the future. By prioritizing intentional design, collaboration, and adaptability, I can continue to create meaningful and engaging learning experiences for my students.

My journey in implementing ePortfolios in the classroom has been challenging and rewarding. The lessons learned, and insights gained will undoubtedly shape my approach to future innovation projects, ultimately benefiting my students and myself as an educator. By embracing technology and fostering a growth mindset, we can continue to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing world of education.

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